Status | Age | Zodiac | Nationality |
Single |
33 |
Leo |
Current dating status: Jack Brett Anderson is currently single.
We do not have any records of previous relationships for Jack Brett Anderson.
Jack Brett Anderson
Jack was born in London, England on August 6, 1991. British actor who rose to prominence for his lead roles in BBC’s Wolfblood and BBC 3’s A Boys Guide. He also gained noteriety for his main roles in the feature films Don’t Hang Up and House of Salem.
He started performing in local stage productions when he was 12 years old. He served a short stint at the Rose Theater where he played the Edward III in Christopher Marlowe’s Edward II.
Did you know: Prior to his role in Wolfblood, he was primarily a short film actor starring in shorts such as Hello Again, Runway, Dsi and Chalk.
Full Name |
Jack Brett Anderson |
Age |
33 |
Birthdate |
August 6, 1991 |
Birthplace |
London, England |
Marital Status |
Single |
Sexuality |
Straight |
Compatible with |
Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius |
Height |
5' 9" |
Profession |
Actor |
Net Worth |
600,000 - $1M |
Horoscope |
Leo |
Spirit Animal |
Salmon |
Lucky Day |
Sunday |
Power Color |
Orange |
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