Status | Age | Zodiac | Nationality |
Single |
25 |
Cancer |
American |
Current dating status: Jonathan Hutcherson is currently single.
We do not have any records of previous relationships for Jonathan Hutcherson.
Jonathan Hutcherson
American Pop Singer
Jonathan was born in Kentucky, United States on July 5, 1999. Partially deaf, this burgeoning singer rocketed to fame in 2016 competing on the 10th season of The Voice as a member of Team Pharrell. The Kentucky-born underdog overcame his hearing loss to make it into the battle rounds before he was eliminated.
At two and a half, he was diagnosed with severe hearing loss and was forced to wear hearing aids since. His first experience singing was in an elementary talent show and not long after he was playing both piano and guitar.
Did you know: He competed three years in a row in the Kentucky Opry Talent Search from 2012 to 2014.
Full Name |
Jonathan Hutcherson |
Age |
25 |
Birthdate |
July 5, 1999 |
Birthplace |
Kentucky, United States |
Nationality |
American |
Marital Status |
Single |
Sexuality |
Straight |
Compatible with |
Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces |
Profession |
Pop Singer |
Net Worth |
600,000 - $1M |
Horoscope |
Cancer |
Spirit Animal |
Woodpecker |
Lucky Day |
Monday |
Power Color |
Silver |
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