Karlien Van Jaarsveld

Status Age Zodiac Nationality
Single 💙 39 🎈 Capricorn

Current dating status: Karlien Van Jaarsveld is currently single.

💕 Relationships

We do not have any records of previous relationships for Karlien Van Jaarsveld.

📄 About

Karlien Van Jaarsveld
Rock Singer

Karlien was born in South Africa on December 21, 1985. South African singer who first found fame as the frontwoman of the rock band Revolusie before branching out as a solo artist, releasing the platinum album Jakkals Trou Met Wolf Se Vrou in 2011. In 2015, she won the dancing competition Strictly Come Dancing with partner Devon Snell.

She was born in Paarl, South Africa and got her start in music as a guitarist and backing vocalist.

Did you know: She made her acting debut in 2011 with a role in the film Platteland.

Full Name
Karlien Van Jaarsveld
December 21, 1985
South Africa
Marital Status
Compatible with
Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces
Rock Singer
Net Worth
600,000 - $1M
Spirit Animal
Lucky Day
Power Color

Karlien Van Jaarsveld is turning 40 years old in . Her birthday countdown:

Contribute: We strive to fact-check all dating histories and our users confirm them. Online rumors of Karlien Van Jaarsvelds's dating past may vary. While finding out who's dating Karlien Van Jaarsveld is relatively simple, keeping track of all her flings, hookups, and breakups is harder. Help us build Karlien Van Jaarsveld's profile. Please let us know if you know any new information about who Karlien Van Jaarsveld has dated or is dating now.

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Richard Owens
Richard Owens
Richard is a Editor-in-Chief at DatingCelebs. He loves Hollywood gossip, entertainment, and celebrity dating news. Follow him at @rowens13.