Rebecca Jackson

Status Age Zodiac Nationality
Single 💙 42 🎈 Virgo British 🇧🇷

Current dating status: Rebecca Jackson is currently single.

💕 Relationships

We do not have any records of previous relationships for Rebecca Jackson.

📄 About

Rebecca Jackson
British Race Car Driver

Rebecca was born in England, United Kingdom on August 28, 1982. Professional race car driver who is known for being a member of the British Racing and Sports Car Club. She is known for her association with Porsche Racing Drivers Association where she raced a Porsche 924 in a variety of different events. She is also known for being a television presented, entrepreneur, and sports journalist who specializes in racing as well.

She attended Bath Spa University College and upon graduating in business, she opened up her own used car business called RJ Internet Showroom in 2007 which specialized in budget cars for under 1,000 euros. She then began reviewing new cars for CarBuyer and WhatCar. She expanded into racing in 2011 when she debuted in the BRSCC Porsche Championship with Porsche Racing Drivers Association.

Did you know: She, along with fellow motorist Andrew Frankel, set a Guinness World Record for the highest number of countries visited by car using a single tank of fuel in an Audi A6 in June of 2015.

Full Name
Rebecca Jackson
August 28, 1982
England, United Kingdom
Marital Status
Compatible with
Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn
Race Car Driver
Net Worth
600,000 - $1M
Spirit Animal
Lucky Day
Power Color

Rebecca Jackson is turning 43 years old in . Her birthday countdown:

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Richard Owens
Richard Owens
Richard is a Editor-in-Chief at DatingCelebs. He loves Hollywood gossip, entertainment, and celebrity dating news. Follow him at @rowens13.