Ricky Dillard

Status Age Zodiac Nationality
Single 💙 60 🎈 Pisces American 🇺🇸

Current dating status: Ricky Dillard is currently single.

💕 Relationships

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📄 About

Ricky Dillard
American Gospel Singer

Ricky was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA on February 25, 1965. Best known for his prolific gospel singing career. On June 10, 2014, he released his 9th studio gospel album titled Amazing. It peaked at #1 on the US Billboard Gospel Charts, and at #28 on the Billboard Top 200.

He began singing at age 5 in his local gospel choir. He later directed the youth choir at St. Bethel Baptist Church.

Did you know: His debut album, Promise, was nominated for a Grammy Award in 1992 for Best Contemporary R&B Gospel Album. He was later nominated for his second Grammy at the 57th annual ceremony for the Best Gospel Album. His second nomination came in recognition for his 2014 album Amazing.

Full Name
Ricky Dillard
February 25, 1965
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Marital Status
Compatible with
Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn
Gospel Singer
Net Worth
600,000 - $1M
Spirit Animal
Lucky Day
Power Color
Light Green

Ricky Dillard is turning 61 years old in . His birthday countdown:

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Richard Owens
Richard Owens
Richard is a Editor-in-Chief at DatingCelebs. He loves Hollywood gossip, entertainment, and celebrity dating news. Follow him at @rowens13.