Status | Age | Zodiac | Nationality |
Single |
33 |
Sagittarius |
Chinese |
Current dating status: Steven Zhang is currently single.
We do not have any records of previous relationships for Steven Zhang.
Steven Zhang
Chinese Business Executive
Steven was born in United States on December 20, 1991. Famous for being on the board of executives for Italian Serie A soccer club Inter Milan. He joined the club after his home company, for which he has served as vice president, Suning bought the club in 2016.
He graduated with his MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s The Wharton School.
Did you know: He has earned a sizable presence on Instagram with more than 150,000 followers there. His long-term strategy for Inter Milan was detailed by CNBC in 2017.
Full Name |
Steven Zhang |
Age |
33 |
Birthdate |
December 20, 1991 |
Birthplace |
United States |
Nationality |
Chinese |
Marital Status |
Single |
Sexuality |
Straight |
Compatible with |
Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius |
Profession |
Business Executive |
Net Worth |
600,000 - $1M |
Horoscope |
Sagittarius |
Spirit Animal |
Owl |
Lucky Day |
Thursday |
Power Color |
Purple |
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