Vangelis Polydorou

Status Age Zodiac Nationality
Single 💙 33 🎈 Gemini

Current dating status: Vangelis Polydorou is currently single.

💕 Relationships

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📄 About

Vangelis Polydorou
Pop Singer

Vangelis was born in London, England on June 2, 1991. Singer who made a name for himself in 2016 as a semi-finalist on the fifth series of The Voice UK. He competed as a member of Boy George’s team, singing a reworked version of “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me” at his Blind Audition. He received chair turns from Boy George, Paloma Faith, and Ricky Wilson.

Long before making his debut on The Voice, he opened his eponymous YouTube channel in 2007 and began posting occasional song covers. He worked for the company Lucky Voice, who hired him to sing in department stores around London to sell their karaoke machines. He also worked at a frozen food shop called Cook and left due to his success on The Voice.

Did you know: Outside of his singing career, he has worked as a weekly columnist for the LGBT magazine Guys Like U and has been featured in Attitude and Gay Times.

Full Name
Vangelis Polydorou
June 2, 1991
London, England
Marital Status
Compatible with
Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius
Pop Singer
Net Worth
600,000 - $1M
Spirit Animal
Lucky Day
Power Color

Vangelis Polydorou is turning 34 years old in . His birthday countdown:

Check out Vangelis Polydorou on Wikipedia and IMDB

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Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson is a content creator for DatingCelebs, a website dedicated to the latest celebrity news and dating rumors. She has a passion for digging deep into the inner workings of the Hollywood scene and has been writing about the entertainment industry for four years.